June 16, 2010 – Adelaide, Australia – Craftmatic – reliable providers of affordable adjustable, electric beds that have built-in massage options and easy hand controls to adjust to various comfortable positions, invited clients to take a look at their company profile at LinkedIn. On the profile, Craftmatic presented various information on who they are and what they offer.

In making their profile, Craftmatic added a brief description and history of their company. As what can be seen on their LinkedIn company profile, the Craftmatic brand was originally made in the US 40 years ago. From then on, the company expanded and started commercial operation in different countries like the UK, Australia to New Zealand, and Craftmatic became a leading provider of adjustable beds by delivering more than 1,000,000 adjustable beds worldwide.

To make their online profile more reliable for their clients, Craftmatic provided further information about their company like the location of their headquarters, the type of industry they were in and other key information about the company.

For clients who happened to be in Australia, they could visit the Craftmatic headquarters by going to the Adelaide Area. At their headquarters, clients could inquire more about what the company is all about and what they offer. On the profile, Craftmatic was listed belonging to the consumer goods industry making it easier for customers searching for consumer goods to find them. The profile also listed the link to the Craftmatic website to give clients the opportunity of learning more about the company and their adjustable beds.

Aside from providing information about their company, the Craftmatic company profile also served as a way to let clients contact Craftmatic and stay informed on any important updates. For clients who had a profile at LinkedIn, they were able to connect with the company through their profiles and inquire more or get advice about their adjustable bed products.

To view their profile now, visit http://www.linkedin.com/companies/craftmatic or call 1800 210 330 to inquire on how their adjustable bed works.