CraftmaticJanuary 17, 2011 - Adelaide, Australia – Craftmatic – has 40 years of experience in making Craftmatic beds that helped people get enough sleep.

The Craftmatic brand in adjustable beds began over 40 years ago. Today over a million of Craftmatic adjustable beds are in use in customers’ bedrooms all around the world. They even attest that Craftmatic adjustable beds are durable, attractive, and supremely comfortable to use.

Craftmatic’s aim is to give their customers the most personalised service available. Craftmatic do not sell beds in show rooms. Instead, they come to customers’ home at a time that is convenient to them to demonstrate to them the Craftmatic’s complete range of products. This means that customers will get to view the beds in the comfort of their home, with one on one service from a helpful representative of the company.

Craftmatic markets the very finest sleep systems modern sleep technology can offer!

At Craftmatic, they realise that community involvement is crucial for a modern corporate structure. As such they have donated beds to worthy causes across Australia. For the last five years Craftmatic have donated quality second hand mattresses to the Salvation Army. These mattresses were used by the Salvation Army to generate financial support for the wider Salvation Army and its varied social and community programs.

When customers purchase their brand new Craftmatic Adjustable Bed, there's no need to worry about what to do with their old bed. After Craftmatic has installed customers’ new bed they will take the old bed for them that very day! Craftmatic also has a long history of donating second hand beds in good condition to the Salvation Army, giving to Australians that need it most.

For more details about Craftmatic adjustable beds and their services call 1800 210 330 or visit